Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Week

August 22, 2011

I realized today that I have been away from home, Portland, for officially one week now. So, I thought maybe it is time that I “blog” to update my family and friends about my journeys and such. On August 18th I landed in Nairobi at about 9:30. There were no delays or troubles during my travels. I was able to get some sleep on my last flight, I received all my baggage on time, the people in all of the airports were very kind, I got my Visa with no trouble, and I met Ken (Jo’s cousin who picked me up from the airport) right away after I picked up my luggage. All in all it was a safe, easy, and relaxing journey from Oregon to Kenya—plus I was able to stay the night in Houston and spend some time with family I haven’t seen in way too long. 

Since I have gotten here, and for the next week or so, I will be in Nairobi. This is longer than I had originally thought or told most of you. I am not much of a city girl so it has been an interesting experience for me so far. Jo and I are staying at Ken’s apartment which is about fifteen minutes (without traffic) from downtown. For the first few days I was here I spent the majority of my time sleeping and “vegging” around—tired and jetlagged from all of my travels. I know most have been curious…but yes, there is running water, electricity, etc. His apartment is very nice and I have been able to take fairly “typical” showers and even flush the toilet! All jokes aside, when I’m at the apartment I lay around either watching TV, listening to music, or journaling. 

For the first two days, I actually never saw Nairobi in the daylight. They had taken me out during the evening to see the nightlife and, because our internal clocks were off, we slept during the majority of the day. The first day I went out during the daytime, we got up late and I went out with them to eat a typical BBQ and ugali meal—this same evening was followed with some more nightlife entertainment. I decided before I left the states that I wasn’t going to drink while I was in Kenya—since those nights I have decided to stay at the apartment when they go out. I won’t say that those nights out were a waste of time though—it was interesting experiencing those aspects of Kenya and I enjoyed seeing this element of their culture. 

On Sunday we went to Mitahato, the village I will be living in to teach once the school year begins. I was very excited to drive past the city and meet a lot of Jo’s family, see the place I will be living, visit the school, and have a first view of the culture and way of life of those living there. After this first experience I can say that I am very excited for the future year to come. I have a feeling that it will be both a challenging and rewarding experience—I have feelings of extreme excitement/eagerness along with nervousness/fear.

As far as language goes, in Nairobi the majority of people speak English, Swahili, and sometimes Kikuyu and in the village people speak primarily Kikuyu—spoken English is not very prevalent. It will be challenging for me, especially in the first couple of weeks and/or months, to communicate with those around me. I know that with the challenge I will also continually grow in my understanding of the language and culture—I’m excited for both. The two things I am nervous about in the coming months are the language barrier and the bargaining/bartering for fruits, vegetables, etc—lucky for me I have to figure out how to do both of those together at the same time! 

That is all I have for now…If you have anything else you are curious about feel free to ask me and I will answer as soon as I can. It’s easier for me to respond to questions sometimes rather than banter off. Also, my internet situation is fairly random. I can use the same SIM card I use for my phone with the internet but it is expensive (so I don’t do it too often). I also don’t know how much internet I will have accessible to me once I move to the village—I will keep you all updated.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On my way

"There's no limit to how much you'll know, depending how far beyond zebra you go."
— Dr. Seuss

I love this quote for many reasons. The easily assumed reasons are…number one; Dr. Seuss is amazing and number two; it involves zebras which also strike my fancy. Go further and Dr. Seuss lays out my aspirations and hopes in this new journey I am about to embark on.  I leave for Kenya in almost a week and I am so excited to learn and discover new things about the environment, the culture, and about myself both personally and professionally. I can’t wait to become fully engulfed in a completely new surrounding. Along with these feelings of excitement and anticipation, I am beginning to feel the nerves and anxiety that come with a large change like this. I know all of these mixed emotions are natural and that most of all I am going to have a remarkable experience.
These last few months have been busy getting ready for my departure date which is on Tuesday, August 16th. Since school ended, I have been bouncing back and forth between Ashland and Portland working and spending a great amount of time with friends and family. Two of my very good friends got married this summer—Gloria Romike and LisaMarie Isaac—which I am so glad that I was able to be a part of. My family celebrated a big birthday with my mom—everyone came down to Ashland to visit for the weekend. We went rafting down the Klamath, walking around Ashland, and even enjoyed an amazing lunch at Callahan’s followed by a fancy limo ride around the area.
Besides spending time with family and friends I have been working as much as possible to continue saving/fundraising money for this coming year. I have been lucky and blessed enough to not only be able to work and earn money but also to have the support of many friends and family that donated. I am especially grateful for the huge support provided from my grandparents on both sides—without their help I am not sure that any of this would be possible for me. You all have been hugely helpful and supportive and for that I am very thankful.
So…August 16th is the big day! My flight leaves out of Portland at 9:30am. I go from Portland to Seattle to Houston on the first day. I will arrive in Houston in the evening around 5:45. There is almost a full day layover in Houston but I am lucky enough to get to spend this time with my aunt, uncle, and cousin—all of which I have not seen in over ten years. I am very excited to see them! On Wednesday, the 17th I leave from Houston at 4:20pm to London and then London to Nairobi. I land in Nairobi around 9:00pm their time. I will be spending the first few days and nights in Nairobi. Once Josphat lands, I will travel with him to the town that I will be living at—it is located a little more than twenty miles north of the city. I am sure that during the first week I am there it will take me a while to connect with everyone back home. I apologize but I will keep you all updated as soon as I can.
In the mean time before I leave I plan to continue spending as much time as possible with friends and family and continue riding this crazy rollercoaster of emotions in anticipation for my exciting adventure.
…Also, some of you have shown interest in having my new address. I am currently unsure of it but as soon as I know I will make it available. J